
Nikkei can offer comprehensive event packages that utilize the full 360-degree capabilities of Nikkei to deliver your objectives. We can organize and manage the entire event process. For attracting event participants, we will use a combination of our print and digital media. Print media still has overwhelmingly strong reach in Japan, so it is a very effective medium for reaching senior decision makers in Japan. We can combine the reach of Nikkei Online with our rich array of audience data to conduct data-based targeting and analysis to select the perfect participants for your event and deliver digital ad banners as well as targeted emails to promote the event. Attendees that register will provide us with registration data that, with their permission, we can share to your own database. We can plan, prepare and conduct the whole event itself from finding venues and speakers to organizing the event programme and registering guests. After the event, we can create engaging content in the form of post-event reports which we will publish in our various media. We can publish excerpts in our newspaper which lead readers to the digital microsite for more in-depth and long-form content, and if desired we can also translate the content from Japanese into English and publish it on our English news site and magazine, Nikkei Asia.

Foreign Direct Investment

When targeting Japan, there is only Nikkei. We reach the most Japanese executives who lead global business to give them the news and insights that they want. However, our relationship with them extends beyond just delivering your promotional message, we also offer advertorial microsites and events and seminars for FDI agencies in major cities throughout Japan.